Flaming Outreach Ministries

we are glad to have you here

Welcome to Flaming Outreach Ministries

Restoring hope, empowering individuals, and revealing the unmatched glory of God

Flaming Outreach Ministries,

a sanctuary of refuge, renewal, and healing.

“With unwavering dedication to His call, we exist to bring transformation, unity, and the tangible evidence of His power to all who seek Him, ensuring that His glory is revealed in every sphere of life.”

Rev. Samuel Johnson


Who We Are

About the Ministry

Flaming Outreach Ministries is a Spirit-empowered movement, firmly rooted in the prophetic words of Isaiah 4:5-6: 

“Then the Lord will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything, the glory will be a canopy. It will be a shelter and shade from the heat of the day, and a refuge and hiding place from the storm and rain.”


Our ministry embodies the divine call to manifest God’s glorious covering, protection, and renewal. We stand as a vibrant testament to this scripture, witnessing transformation through restoration, empowerment, and the undeniable power of God, impacting individuals, families, and nations under His radiant presence.

Our Purpose

this is why we are here

To be a beacon of hope

offering spiritual refuge to those in need of God’s boundless love, grace, and restoration.

To empower believers

to walk in faith and obedience, equipping them to fulfill their God-given purpose.

To ignite revival

drawing individuals, families, and communities into God’s protective embrace and transformative power.

To reveal

the evidence of God’s miraculous work restoring broken lives and empowering them to walk boldly in His purpose.

Our online meetings

Powerful moments of fellowship in prayer and worship

Glorious 30-minutes Midday Blessings Prayer Session:

Every Weekday - 12:00 PM GMT/ 1:00

PENIEL HOUR: This and every Thursday and Saturday:

7:00-8:00 PM GMT/ 8:00-9:00 PM WAT/9:00-10:00 SAT/ 3:00-4:00 PM EST

Counseling Sessions

On appointment.